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Habbo of the Week: Galaxy

Posted in Announcements on 8/19/2024


The Habbzy Habbo of the Week is a chance for us to feature one of the many community members who make Habbzy feel like family. It may be a DJ, a staff member, or someone who just shows up often and keeps the vibe uplifting. This week's Habbo has a special interest in keeping things fun! Our Habbo of the Week this week is Events Manager Galaxy.

Galaxy is one of two Events Managers who keep Habbzy entertaining and has already worked hard to leave his mark. His event rooms are extremely creative and beautifully designed and he coordinates large-scale events with professionalism and precision. Our fansite is designed to keep Habbo fun, which is exactly what Galaxy and his team work hard to make a reality.

Event planning can oftentimes be a behind-the-scenes gig, so we wanted to give our readers a chance to get to know one of the masters behind the magic!


What brought you to Habbzy?

I’m someone who values community above all else, and I recognized the potential of what Habbzy could become with the people forming it behind the wheel. When I was approached about joining, it really was a no-brainer for me! I’ve been excited to see how this community has shaped from the start and am so excited to see it flourish as we continue to expand.

Where will people most commonly find you in Habbo?

I’ll usually be working on a new project, hosting a game, or wherever the party might be with the rest of the Habbzy crew!

What is the story behind your username?

I’ve always been a bit of a space nerd and had always wanted one of those cooler names when I was playing on Habbo.ca as a kid. When it came time to sign up for Origins, I wasn’t able to get my first pick name, but Galaxy was a very close second choice. I was very happy to be able to get that one! Honestly, I would have been pretty happy with anything space-y though!

Are there any features you really hope get added to Origins?

Well I have to agree with last weeks pick that I’m excited for us to get Snow Storm, that’s for sure! Outside of that, one of my big hopes is that we’ll get to have moveable windows and more options for windows and backgrounds in the near future! Skyscraper windows were always one of my favorite pieces to incorporate in rooms and I’m excited to have a bit more freedom when building different types of rooms.

When you are offline, what do you enjoy doing?

I’m grateful to live in such a beautiful area (The PNW in the US) so really I try and spend as much time as possible exploring our beautiful forests, visiting the many local waterfalls, and river floating during the warmer parts of the year. I also am big on cooking, so there’s a good chance that you’ll also find me making something in the kitchen or behind one of my grills or smokers. My biggest hobby, though, is collecting and playing board/table top games. My favorite of these is a series called Zombicide, and I highly recommend checking it out it you’re interested in anything Zombie related! But above all else, I try and spend as much time with my wife and our daughter as I possibly can. We had her this past April and it’s been such a fun adventure so far!

What type of events do you hope to bring to Habbzy?

I have quite a few things in mind, but one of the biggest things I’m excited about is implementing more events directly into our Discord! I envision us having a ton of different community events and games such as themed movie nights, karaoke, playing Jackbox Games and doing some really cool Nintendo tournaments that we can stream if the interest is there!

Do you have any parting words for your fellow Habbos?

I’m someone who is big on positive energy and spreading good vibes, so I ask everyone to really try and always be mindful of the impact you’re having on others with your actions. The community we’re growing here at Habbzy is such a diverse bunch with AMAZING personalities and I’m excited to see what’s to come in the future for us here! Lots of love to everyone!



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